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”Erika did a great job helping me to organize my condo in Buffalo, NY. As a performing musician, educator and brass salesperson, I was struggling to get my work and living areas organized in a way that allowed me to be productive. Erika did an excellent job of helping me not only to find a place for things, but to help set up a system to keep things organized. I highly recommend Erika for her skills in organization.”

- Jim B.

”Erika me ha ayudado mucho a organizar la cocina de mi apartamento y mi ropero. En la cocina tenía cosas que me sobraban. Ella me ayudó a seleccionar las cosas que debería tener y las que debería sacar de circulación. Luego, me ayudó a encontrar el espacio adecuado para cada uno de los objetos y el resultado fue una cocina muy práctica y funcional. En forma similar, Erika me ayudó a seleccionar la ropa de mi ropero por estaciones y a desechar las prendas que nunca he usado en largo tiempo. Ahora tengo un ropero que me permite ver fácilmente lo que tengo, para decidir lo que debo vestir en mi vida diaria de acuerdo a las circunstancias. Recomiendo a Erika para asesorar a personas que tengan dificultad de mantener organizados los espacios alrededor de la casa.”

- Rosie P.

What are clients saying?

”Erika was very helpful to me when I asked for her advice and guidance. She was easy to connect with and promptly she understood my kind of needs. I had downsized from my home of 31 years to an apartment and had many things to organize in the apartment storage room. First, she helped me to separate the things I needed to keep from the ones I really didn’t need and had no reason to keep. Then, she evaluated the space available and designed a way to organize the things I needed to keep. The end result was amazing. She was able to find the appropriate place for each item and things are now looking very nicely organized, visible and accessible. Additionally to this, I learned to separate things I need to keep from the ones I don’t need to keep, and to use space wisely. I highly recommend Erika to anyone who may have needs similar to the one I had.”

- M.A. Rincon

”Erika helped me organize our pantry and kitchen cupboards. She made rearrangement suggestions logical to the way we use dinnerware, glasses, cookware, pantry foods, etc. I really appreciated how she repurposed organizer/storage items we already owned to open up shelf space and ease reach to our most utilized dishware (even more appreciated now that my kids are teens and starting to use the kitchen independently). She was also instrumental to helping me part with expired seasonings and pantry items. Her organization suggestions have withstood the test of time as we are still living happily with the changes years later."

–Mel A.

"Who knew organizing could be so fun and make profound changes to the way I live day-to-day? Erika has a gift of guiding, supporting, and empowering you to create a space that supports your dreams by doing things that were impossible alone. She's like a sherpa helping you climb your personal Mount Everest. You take each step and ascend to the peak, but without her encouragement, knowledge, and help with the heavy lifting, you'll still be at basecamp. Erika immediately put me at ease, so we moved beyond judgments of why things are messy, how much junk I have, or items still sealed in original packaging. Initially, I told her I wanted a room for zoom calls, but secretly, I also wanted to start podcasting. My equipment was still in boxes, leaving me overwhelmed and stuck with too many obstacles to begin. As I dug through the boxes, Erika asked important questions that helped clarify my aspirations and encouraged me to open boxes holding my dreams. She read manuals with me, helped me find courage to put together clamps, tripods, and cameras, and cheered me on as I got rid of things. I especially loved how she helped me change my perception by moving things to different places in the room, exposing hidden beauty, and creating better flow. I learned many simple yet profound ways to get organized and keep it that way. For example, put like with like. In the end, my garage transformed into a camera-ready studio, using everything I already owned. I was able to plant my flag on the tallest mountain in my world and see the vista I dreamt of my whole life."

-Dolphina GoddessLife